Do I Need a Lawyer at a Support Conference?
Divorce, Family Law, Support | September 16, 2016
The calculations performed at a support conference are complex, and having a lawyer present to represent your best interests is crucial.
Family law issues are delicate legal matters due to the high emotional levels and because they involve major life decisions.
At Trinity Law, we provide support and counsel through you and your family as you go through these major life events. Our team of family law attorneys assist with divorce, protection from abuse (PFA), custody & visitation, and adoption cases.
With offices throughout central PA, our team of lawyers are ready to help. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation.
The calculations performed at a support conference are complex, and having a lawyer present to represent your best interests is crucial.
Often retirement accounts make up the bulk of assets divided during divorce proceedings. A Qualified Domestic Relations Order may be required.
When considering adoption it is important to consider if the adopted child(ren) will have contact with their biological parents after the adoption is final.
Understanding the difference between custody/guardianship agreement and adoption can be difficult for PA families. Learn the difference between the two, specifically permanency, and the reasons why a guardianship agreement can be convenient.
Whether or not you filed a Petition to Terminate Parental Rights or a Petition to Confirm Consent, you MUST also file a Petition for Adoption.
During most divorce proceedings, parties have to divide retirement benefits as well. There are essentially 2 types of retirement benefits: 1) defined contribution plans, and 2) defined benefit plans. A defined contribution plan is the most common type of retirement plan today. This is a plan in which an individual contributes money to an account, […]