Trinity Law Sponsors Golf Tournaments

For the past several months, the attorneys at Trinity Law have sponsored and participated in golf tournament fundraisers for local area ministries and non-profits. They include Lancaster Bible College, Covenant Christian Academy (Harrisburg), Water Street Ministries, Christian Business Men’s Club (York), Human Life Services, Lancaster Mennonite Schools and York Christian School

Traffic Ticket – now what?

Most people have received a traffic ticket at one time in their lives.  However, not everyone knows how to properly respond to the receipt of a ticket.  Generally speaking, one may be able to negotiate a settlement with the police officer before the hearing regarding the traffic citation. First, it is important to consider what […]

Trinity Law Hires New Attorney

Trinity Law is pleased to announce the hiring of Michael L. Zappitella, Esquire, as Associate Attorney. Attorney Zappitella is a graduate of Liberty University with a B.S. in Government and the Liberty University School of Law. While at Liberty, he received a Certificate of Concentration in Property Law and Lawyering Skills and completed an externship […]

Traffic Violation – What’s the Point(s)?

Pennsylvania traffic law includes violations for speeding, as well as moving violations for failure to obey traffic signs and signals. Along with some violations come points, and those points can accumulate to require driving tests, suspensions, or other penalties.

Dating Too Soon After Divorce

Recently, we posted a blog regarding the top 8 things to do when you are served divorce papers. We’d like to follow that up with a suggestion regarding what not to do even after your divorce becomes finalized. Recently a Trinity Law family law attorney participated in a one day retreat at a local church […]

Settling and Reducing IRS Tax Debt

Any mention of past due taxes or the Internal Revenue Service often invokes panic in people. However, such a panicked response need not occur. If you owe back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, an “Offer in Compromise” provides a means by which your tax bill can be reduced. There are primarily two types of […]