Dating Too Soon After Divorce

Recently, we posted a blog regarding the top 8 things to do when you are served divorce papers. We’d like to follow that up with a suggestion regarding what not to do even after your divorce becomes finalized.

Recently a Trinity Law family law attorney participated in a one day retreat at a local church for women going through divorce regarding the financial implications for the individual. The speaker, Elisabeth Klein, speaks and writes from the perspective of a woman who has experienced divorce and its ramifications. After the event had concluded, Klein blogged the following regarding the conference, specifically dating too soon following divorce. She writes about another:

“When she started seeing someone before she was ready, it was as if she pressed pause on her grieving process and she hi-jacked her own healing. And when the second relationship ended, it was as if she had just gotten divorced emotionally – like her heart was just now experiencing it for the first time – even though her divorce had been final for a year already. In other words, she was basically starting over with her healing because she had filled her gaps and assuaged her pain with men.”

For more than 35 years Trinity Law has been advising people with family law issues. We recommend that any person, regardless of gender, should not date until at least one year after the issuance of the divorce decree or 3 years after separation, whichever is later. We suggest that before getting serious about a member of the opposite sex, have your mother or father or sister or brother or best friend or pastor or counselor or some combination of these people give you their opinion on whether this person is right for you or not. Those opinions will be far more objective than yours!

The attorneys at Trinity Law are aware of the legal as well as the many delicate financial, emotional, relational and social factors of divorce. For a trusted Christian attorney who is going to operate in your best interest during this extremely traumatic time in your life, contact the family attorneys at Trinity Law at or 866-464-LAWS.

To read Elisabeth’s blog in its entirety, go to