Marriage: Not Just For Two Anymore?

New Definition

You may recall that not long ago, in the case United States v. Windsor, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to restrict the Federal interpretation of marriage to heterosexual unions as per the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996.

In the dissent, Justice Scalia opined as follows: “By formally declaring anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human decency the majority arms well every challenger to a state law restricting marriage to its traditional definition.” Justice Scalia’s prescient proclamation took little time to come to fruition. Recently, three lesbians made news by declaring that they were not only “married,” but are also expecting “their” first child.

Some have reacted with outrage, some with indifference. Support for the “throuple” (as they are called) also appears in various quarters. Still others appear to be numbed by the persistent and relentless press of those pushing the traditional marriage envelope.

New Combinations

All of this was, and is, of course, eminently predictable. Justice Scalia knew the obvious, which is that once the boundaries of what defines marriage (traditionally between one man and one woman) are erased, “marriage” can be whatever one (or more) wants it to be. If two same sex individuals wish to and, hence, are legally permitted to enter into “marriage,” then there is no law that can reasonably restrict such a relationship to only two adults. Why should it?

Therefore, the logical conclusion is that if three individuals want to “marry” or, say, two men and one woman, or three women and two men, or any other infinite combinations of individuals, then they should also be given the legal right to do so. It will only be a matter of time until this barrier is broken. Ultimately, one wonders what will stop unions between adults and children or adults and animals or even with inanimate objects. Why shouldn’t someone be allowed to enter into a relationship with their favorite sports car for example? After all, no one could possible be hurt by that, right? And who are we to stop someone from being with whom or with what they love?


At Trinity Law Firm, our attorneys have been involved in thousands of family law cases and have observed that, in practice, there is no substitute for the loving relationship that a mother and father can bring to their children. We believe this is the best environment in which children can thrive.

Ultimately, children who grow up in the care of same sex couples, multiple same sex or multiple and varied sex combinations will be seen as detached from a core family unit. They will be more a ward of the state and less a product of a mother and father to whom children have traditionally belonged and developed meaningful attachments. People search a lifetime to find who their biological parents are. Having three “mothers,” or three “fathers,” or five “parents” will do little to provide a child with a feeling of supported love and of belonging – the kind found when raised by a loving father and mother – and will have everything to do with causing more uncertainty, confusion, and feelings of not really belonging to anyone.

In sum, efforts should be put into strengthening that which has worked for so long for so many. When traditional marriage is working and functioning properly, it is simply unmatched as a societal model and is irreplaceable in terms of satisfying the deepest emotional needs an individual has.

Contact the Pennsylvania family lawyers of Trinity Law at 717-843-8046 or through our contact form for more information or for help with your family’s legal needs.